Well, in post I cropped it and darkened the edges and then..."I turned on the light" using a brush tool. I also added a radial filter so I could control the way the light was hitting the wall and also to warm up just the part of the wall where the yellow light was "shining" but leave the edges a cooler blue. I like the way this image turned out. It reminds me of how seeing our friends again, warmed my heart. I think turning on the light made all the difference! What do you think?
]]>Below is the first page from my Create Notebook, suggested by the author. I'm not much for sketching, but I do calligraphy and lettering. I'm grateful to Marc, that his book has already motivated me to return to this creative outlet again, as I haven't done it much lately. I'm excited for the days ahead and how this book helps me unleash a more creative life.
Though Marc is a photographer, the whole book isn't just aimed at photographers, but anyone...artists and non artists, even if you don't think you're creative. One thing I can say is that it is an interactive book, not a quick read. I suppose you could do a quick read-through, but you'd have to go back and work through it for it to truly affect your life.
I guess that's all I have to say so far, but hopefully I can give more updates in the weeks and months to come, as I work through this book.
I hope you get as much out of this book as I am hoping to.
How did I shoot it? (scroll down if you don't want all the details)
For a main light, I used my Westcott Solix LED light at about a 90 degree angle to the left of the diffuser. (A 43", 5 in 1 reflector that I got free, with my education through New York Institute of Photography). Here's a link to a similar one, from Neewer. I clamped some extra pergo planks I had, to a 2'x4' table. I used some foam board on the right as a fill.
For this shoot, I used a Canon 70D because it has the articulating LCD screen (on which you can see the image as I had it framed up) and it makes it easier to see what I'm doing, especially if I am changing angles a lot or shooting from overhead, for a flat lay in stock images. One of these days i'm going to shoot tethered. I will probably love it. I need to JUST DO IT!
*I took the BTS image with my iphone 8+
Below is the final image that I was taking in the BTS photo above. I love how this image came out!
I post processed it in Lightroom and I warmed it up a bit, to accentuate the autumn vibe.
Below are a few images of the same book on an old wooden barrel, that I did using macro. I used different lighting, but the same background. The background looks black due to how I set up the lighting, though.
There's just something about old books...the smell, the yellowed pages, the rugged edges, the worn covers. I love thinking about the story of the book's life. Who may have held it and also read its pages? Was it stored on a bookshelf, coffee table or stored in an old trunk? Did its owner have a family? What kind of house might they have lived in, and where? What type of life did they have? So fun to imagine!
Do you love books? Do you especially love old books? If so, let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear about it.
May GOD BLESS the FAMILIES of those who LOST their LIVES due to the terrorist attacks on 9-11-01,
and may AMERICANS REMEMBER them and how UNITED we were the NEXT DAY.
#unitedstatesofamerica #USA #neverforget #weremember #september11 #911memorial #twintowers #pentagon #shanksvillePA #american #americanflag #symboloffreedom #proudamerican #united #worldtradecenter #unitedwestand #fdny #nypd #911neverforget #remember911 #Godblessamerica #starsandstripes #americanpride #redwhiteandblue #USAstrong #freedom
We got up early and went to the Pirate Coffee Company in Depoe Bay, Oregon, to get some yummy coffee before driving out to the trailhead for a hike on a crisp March morning . It was my husband's birthday, (pictured below) and he got to choose what we would do.
He chose to hike to Drift Creek Falls, in the Siuslaw National Forest. We knew from researching this location that it gets busy with people, so we got up early to hopefully avoid the crowds. We were the first ones there, as you can see from the picture below. Hooray! It should be a nice quiet time out in nature, my favorite!
There are pit toilets at the parking lot. With the coffee we had consumed on our drive to the trailhead, I was especially delighted to see them, even though they are not my favorite type of toilet to use.
I just love the sights, sounds and smells of a forest. This one was no different, although there was a lack of bird noises on this day.
This place is beautiful! The trail was well maintained and the scenery was amazing. I've mentioned some of my health issues in the past and I was interested to see how I would do on this 3 mile hike. How would I do? Would I be able to make it all the way there and back? Time would tell.
Above is one of the seasonal springs that we saw along the way and a small creek, (part of Drift Creek?) we crossed.
We made it! The 1 and a half mile hike to the bridge was mostly downhill and I did pretty well. This was our first glimpse of the Drift Creek Falls Suspension Bridge, a 240 foot long bridge that spans Drift Creek, over 100 feet above.
The entrance was quite tall and impressive.
The bridge is even more impressive. Wow! A little intimidating, especially since I would be photographing from on top of it. The weather could have become an issue as it was getting breezy and drizzly by this time.
As we were about to step onto the bridge, I had to take another picture from this angle where the bridge disappears into the forest on the other side.
And, of course, I had to take one of the birthday boy on the bridge, too! :)
Below, is one of the photos of the falls, that I took from the bridge. I had to wait at times, since there was a bit of wind, on and off, and I wanted to take a longer exposure to smooth out the water of the falls and it was shaking the bridge at times. The overcast weather made it easier to expose the images I took today.
Once we were on the other side, we decided I was doing well enough to go the extra 1/2 mile to hike down to the creek; so I could take some pictures from the bottom. More gorgeous scenery on the way down.
I'm wasn't sure what this overgrown hump-type thing along the trail was, but I found it interesting. I'm thinking it's probably an overgrown toppled tree trunk and roots.
Below is an image of the falls from the creek. This was the first time we heard voices and I had to shoot quickly before the people were on the bridge. The falls are less emphasized in these creek level images, (almost out of the frame) as is the bridge since it was now a half a mile away.
One last image from the bottom, after waiting for the people to fully cross so they were off the bridge and wiping the drizzle from my lens again. I loved the blue in the creek water. So pretty!
When I was taking the image below, there were people just around the rocks to the right of the creek, but I had gone down lower and managed to exclude them.
The hike back up took longer and we had to stop a couple of times so I could rest, but we made it. Still few people on the trail so we beat the crowds or perhaps the rainy forecast kept them home. Whichever it was, the hike was a great victory for me and a great start to another birthday for my husband.
The parting shot (below) was as we were driving out of the mountains and these elk were too tempting. I just had to take one last image; from the car this time.
]]>A common sight on the Snake River Plains is the Townsend Ground Squirrel, pictured above on an outcropping of rocks.
Many gulls fly around in the backdrop of this image, but what I wanted to show was this marmot. I haven't seen a marmot in a field like this before.
More Townsend Ground Squirrels, by their home.
The Curlew are just recently back in the area, the one above just kept flying around and didn't land while we were watching.
The Curlew above is one of several we saw on this particular day. It's good to see them back.
Above is a Horned Lark, kind of huddled down.
I suppose this is actually a wild hare or something, but as we were driving I yelled, "A bunny!" lol I just think they're so cute! They are much harder to find before the grass starts to green up.
More Curlew, a couple this time.
The Killdeer amaze me! The camo God gave them, and so many other animals, is incredible! You can see from this picture how well they blend in, even its legs blend in with the pattern of twigs sticking up out of the ground. WOW!
A final image from our relaxing drive looking for wildlife is of this Ring-necked Pheasant out in a farmers field, with fresh greens sprouting up.
What animals live in your "backyard"? Let me know in the comments!
In this image of an eagle in flight, I took while on the Eagle Watching Cruise we took one afternoon, the catch was successful but hard to see in this image. I was just happy to get a decent image from the boat.
Some of my favorite images are environmental ones of the eagles or any wildlife in their natural surroundings, whether temporary or permanent. This one below wasn't such a challenge to capture; no moving boat or cold, shaking hands, no waiting for hours. We were driving next to the lake and I saw this eagle perched on this branch. We pulled over and I got out, shot a few frames and then moved on. Simple, compared to the eagle fishing shots. I love this image!
It was pretty cool seeing so many bald eagles at once. As we looked around we would see trees like this with many eagles in them. There are 7 in this image, including the 2 juveniles that aren't as obvious due to the fact that they don't have white heads or tails yet. It takes 5 years for their heads and tails to become completely white.
The image below was another pull over and shoot, shot. What we like to refer to as drive-by shooting. lol This eagle didn't mind my presence at all and just seemed to be so majestic. They are majestic birds anyway, but this guy...up in the top of the tree staring at me and then all around was quite impressive. It was a wet morning and you can tell by the way his feathers look.
What a wonderful time we had viewing and photographing these bald eagles. Special shout out to my incredibly patient husband who waits with me for wildlife, even if sometimes it's in the car. Thanks, honey!
Do you have Bald Eagles where you live? Have you photographed them? I'd love to hear your stories in the comments.
For more Bald Eagle information CLICK HERE!
]]>One thing I learned about photographing fishing birds in flight, after 2 days of standing in the cold and wind from sunup to sundown is that it's harder than it looks and I need a lot more practice. This particular shot was taken from the boat of an eagle watching cruise out of Coeur d'Alene, hand held, so I'm happy to have it at all. Standing on a moving boat in the cold and wind and sometimes freezing rain presents a whole other host of challenges. Boy was it worth it though! I hope I get to do it again next year. In the meantime, I have a lot of practicing to do. LOL
The signs of Autumn can be different for each person. For some it's the beginning of a new school year, for others it's the need to put on a comfy sweatshirt and for others still, it's the addition of all things pumpkin or the first fire in the fireplace. The signs are many and personal. Won't you join me for a few of natures signs that I saw on my walk today...
The sunflowers are wilting as if to say goodbye for another year. It is sad to see these beauties fade, but they have served their purpose for their season; supplying beauty for us and pollen for bees and even seeds for birds. Their time will come again.
Leaves of red and gold are beginning to color the landscape with their beautiful color palette.
Wilting overgrown gardens, in need of pruning, offer hints of beauty as they wait.
Golden leaves had fluttered gently to the ground and I heard the crunch of fallen leaves under my feet as I walked on a leaf-strewn lawn.
One neighbor welcomes guests, in fall fashion.
Some of the leaves on these trees are rushing ahead of the others, enthusiastically embracing the coming change of seasons.
Each leaf brings us closer to winter; but for now, I will behold the changing leaves and enjoy the crisp breeze as I anticipate the full glory of the autumn season ablaze with color in all of its beauty. I thank God for autumn and the change of seasons.
What are the signs of autumn for you? Is it a certain smell, occasion, food or drink, somethings in nature? Something else? I'd love to know! Tell me in the comments.
Go to my Flowers and Foliage Gallery, my Landscapes Gallery or my Red Bubble Site to see and/or purchase products with some of my fall images on them.
"Let us know, let us pursue knowledge of the LORD; his coming is as certain as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the autumn and spring rains come on the earth." Hosea 6:3
The cranes were not bothered by how close we were as I continued to take pictures of them. They were on their way to bed down for the night, and had crossed the road to do so, so I guess they were really focused. (or really used to people, since it's a popular place to walk.
I got out of the truck to get a better view, but stayed behind and shot from near the tailgate. I didn't want to scare them. They didn't seem to mind my presence at all. After walking several feet, they looked at the fence and seemed to be getting ready to fly.
Yep! In mere moments, each one took its turn flying over the fence into the wetlands area for a safe place to sleep for the night. (Fun fact: They sleep standing up in shallow water.) It was so exciting! This was by far the closest I've been to a Sandhill Crane in the wild. What a thrill to watch these beautiful and amazing birds! Below is the male bird as he began his landing.
This is one of the females as she flew over the fence. So pretty! Research I did says that Sandhill Cranes migrate south for the winter, so I'm assuming these guys were either passing through or nested here and haven't begun their migration yet. There were only three of them.
It was getting darker so my ISO was pretty high and the images are kind of grainy and not as sharp as I would have liked, but it all happened so fast. This was worsened by the fact that I have a new camera and several of the settings and buttons are new and/or in different places than I'm used to. It's amazing how muscle memory works in the field, when you see that wildlife and your blood starts pumping and you kind of go on auto pilot and your hands tend to do what needs to be done. That didn't happen this time. I fumbled around and was happy to get any half-way decent images at all. Well, lots more practice shooting with the new camera and my muscles will adapt to the new buttons and placements.
Have you seen sandhill cranes in the wild? I'd love to hear about your experience!
If you are a photographer, can you relate to my frustration of having a new camera and all of the changes each time you upgrade?
IF you are from this area, please let me know about the Sandhill Cranes. Are they always in the area? Did we just catch them passing through during migration?
Let me know in the comments below.
It's been quite hot and smokey in SW Idaho, lately. Since I don't do well in either and my creative side just needed to play; so last week, I decided to do some indoor photography.
This is one of my first autumn images of the year. There aren't any fresh pumpkins in the stores in our area as of the time this image was taken, so I used a decorative pumpkin instead. I also got out some other fall decor I had at home and set up in my air-conditioned living room where it was nice and cool.
This image makes me think of fall, holidays and cooler weather. I can't wait! Fall is my favorite time of the year.
How do you beat the heat? Do you photograph outdoors when it's 100 degrees outside?
Do you like this image? If so, what do you like about it? Let me know in the comments.
This image is available for purchase on this website, as well as my Red Bubble site, where you can purchase it as art for your wall or as many other products such as phone cases, stationary, tote bags and more!
We were on a fall trip recently, when I took this image at dusk of Lake Cascade, in Idaho. I hadn’t planned to photograph sunset on this particular night, since we wouldn’t arrive in Cascade until about the time I would’ve been setting up to do so, and we had to drive around some of the lake to see what campgrounds were still open. When we finally found our campsite for the night, the sun had just set and we were hungry and ready to get some dinner. The sky was so pretty though, I just had to grab my camera. There was no time to set up my tripod, search for an ideal composition or fiddle with gear, as the colors would soon fade, so I did what I could with the scene in front of me. I took the shot handheld, and in a hurry. There sure was nice color in the sky and a beautiful reflection on the water.
The next morning, I looked outside and it was snowing! It hadn’t been all that long since the beautiful sunset, and now I could barely see a hint of the lake and couldn’t see the sky much less reflections. I went outside and captured this image trying to match the composition of the sunset the night before. I was a little off, but not too bad, considering I could no longer see the rest of the composition and was going from memory. (Which, if you know me is risky at times. Ha-ha)
Our RV is not set up for all season, so we headed for lower elevations and some more fall color. We were just not ready for winter just yet. After all, this was our fall trip! :)
What moods do these pictures evoke for you? I'd love to hear how they make you feel in the comments section below!
]]>Beautiful sunflowers...
Shadows and my little furry companion, Murray.
Patriotism and some more beautiful flowers...
How about you? How's the weather in your area? Have you been out in your neighborhood or are you experiencing some weather related issues, as well? Let me know in the comments below. I hope you are all safe and sound.
I have trouble with extreme temperatures and have a very limited window of comfort where temperatures are concerned. At times my legs feel so heavy and weak they feel like I have cement blocks attached to my feet, making a hike or even a 1-mile walk difficult, if not impossible. Other times, my fatigue is such that I can only dream of going out to take pictures.
There's a saying I've been using lately that helps me put things into perspective and prioritize..."I can only do what I can when I can do it." This phrase has helped me not beat myself up when I can't go capture a sunrise or sunset due to my symptoms at any given time. My health and getting enough sleep are high on that priority list for me, even higher than my photography business. I know God wouldn't want my to get down on myself, so I just ask, "What can I do right now? What's realistic? What's best for my health? How can I do enough, but not so much that I set my health back? So, what do I do to overcome when these symptoms flare up? I improvise.
I photograph the outdoors from inside my home. Any window in your home may have potential for this type of shooting. Some things to consider are: the size, direction and quality of the light outside, functionality, (can it open? can you remove the screen?) and the view looking outside. Some windows have an amazing view outside all the time, but sometimes it's the light and weather that makes the outside view amazing.
I took this image during this past winter of 2016/17, one of historic snowfall in much of the USA, my own town included. On this day, I was up before sunrise, which is difficult enough for me, but it was also bitter cold out, as you can tell by the icicles. I was too tired to bundle up and go out to take images, but my heart yearned to go out as the warm, morning light lit up the outdoors as seen from our master bathroom. Determined to capture this beautiful morning, I decided to capture the scene from indoors, where it was nice and comfy warm.
Another place in my home from where I often photograph the outdoors is my laundry room. I call it my “blind” because it’s on the second story and only has one fairly small window through which I can photograph things in our backyard, including the birds without bothering them.
To see some of the images taken from my “blind”, read my blog post, Frosty Morning, HERE.
Do you have a health condition? Let me know how you overcome your obstacles and still continue to do what you love. I’d love to hear about it!
]]>Well, I recently took my first newborn (actually a one month old baby) portraits for a friend of mine. I also took some of the baby with her older siblings. Boy do I have a lot to learn! It was a humbling experience for me. I didn’t feel as prepared as I’d hoped. In fact, I was a little overwhelmed. It didn’t help that during the shoot, we got news of a friend who had suddenly passed away. That made the rest of the shoot a lot harder.
The siblings ended up being more of a candid shoot due to the younger one not being in the mood for pictures and me not being used to working with younger kids for portrait pictures. I managed to get a couple cute shots with genuine happiness, though, so I consider my first attempt a success of sorts.
Well, on to the photos...(scroll down to go straight to the 11 Things I Learned)
These are the precious children I was honored to be able to photograph. This is one of the more posed shots using a fluffy off-white piece of material draped over their couch, for a clean background
We moved to the floor for this next shot. The cutie on the left was not really in the mood for having her picture taken, so this idea was a last ditch effort to get some smiles out of her. "Hey, want to lay on the floor and take pictures?" She went for it. After throwing another blanket on the floor, I was able to get several happy/candid shots this way. When we were finished, I thanked them and gave them each a "big sister" gift which kept them quiet and busy for a bit while we photographed their baby sis.
The mother had some letters spelling out BABY, so I incorporated them into this image.
The mother's friend made this cute mermaid tail for the baby, so we were sure to use that. I brought the props like the crate, fishing net and some shells to add to the scene and used different colored materials to suggest the water and a sandy beach. As expected, (due to being a bit older for a newborn shoot) the baby didn’t stay in positions very well. She kept flopping her arms straight out, but in the end, it did make her look very relaxed. This is my favorite of the mermaid shots.
And now...11 Things I Learned While Photographing a Newborn & Siblings, on Location.
1. Try to visit the location ahead of time. WHY? This will give you time to check out the location for lighting options, space and what props, backgrounds, etc… you may need to bring the day of the shoot.
2. Plug in a space heater in the area where you’ll be photographing the baby, as soon as you arrive on location. WHY? Baby will be more comfortable, especially if he/she isn’t wearing much clothing. Be sure you wear light clothing so you aren’t too hot; especially if you’re prone to hot flashes. (I mean, personal summers, tee hee)
3. Don’t forget to have the parents fill out and sign the model release or releases before the shoot. WHY? This prevents you from having to go back or mail them in a stamp-addressed return envelope and waiting for them to be signed and returned. Yep, I forgot this. The animals and landscapes I usually shoot aren’t normally required to sign. lol
4. Go ahead and take the time to set up lighting if you brought it. (try to use them, even if the space is small, especially if there’s not much available light and/or you are used to using natural light rather than flash) WHY? To help maintain faster shutter speeds with unpredictable and moving subjects, like children usually are. Yep, I got a few images with motion blur at this shoot.
5. Set up a background stand, if there's room to eliminate the background of the environment, unless you’re intentionally including it, and simplify your shots. WHY? When you decide you need it, you won’t have your assistant or worse, the children’s’ mother, (or both) holding up the material. Nope, I didn't set one up, do to the small space we were working in. Too bad I didn’t take a BTS (behind the scenes) picture of the situation, you’d get a good laugh. If I had to do it over again, I would have tried to make it work.
6. Take time to connect or reconnect with the children you’ll be taking images of, if you haven’t seen them in a while,. Make them smile and laugh if you can. Ask about their school, friends, favorite subject, favorite toy/doll, etc... Also, don't be afraid to act silly to get our of them what you need. WHY? It should help them be more cooperative. I did this, but not as much as I should have.
7. Wait until your set is ready before adding the subjects. WHY? Young children aren’t as patient. They will most likely tire quickly and be ready to go play or do something else in a very short amount of time.
8. Have two separate times to photograph the newborn by himself/herself and another time to photograph the baby with siblings. WHY? This will give more time to devote to each type of shoot, especially before baby gets hungry or needs a change. It’s also less overwhelming, at least for me it would have been. If you’re used to newborn and sibling photography, you may be fine doing them both at once, but then you probably aren’t reading this blog post.
9. Try to photograph the newborn within maybe 5-14 days and don’t do any post you don’t feel comfortable with. WHY? Baby is sleeping deeper and longer and is easier to pose (and keep in the pose) in those fetal positions that are so cute in newborn photographs. There was a pose the mother wanted, but I/we were having trouble posing her and we didn’t push it, just to be sure we kept baby safe. The pose may have worked fine a week or two before.
10. Bring an assistant, or two, if you can. WHY? Setting up and taking down all the equipment takes time and you don’t want to impose on the young family too long. They can hold up the background if you didn’t have time or space to set up the stands, too. I took my husband, he’s a great assistant-but he was newer to this type of shooting than I was. I suppose with practice, things could run like a well-oiled machine like I saw in some Youtube videos before the day of the shoot. Speaking of Youtube videos…
11. Do your research. Learn all you can about photographing newborns and siblings before the big day. WHY? This can help prepare you for what you will be doing. Although most of the videos did show that well-oiled machine of pros for whom this type of work is their bread and butter, it can still inspire you and give you ideas.
I took this last shot by putting the material over the front and shoulder of the mother and had her hold the baby. An easy, no fuss, set up.
Are you new to newborn/sibling photography? What have you learned that may help myself or others next time? I'd love to hear about it!
]]>I was photographing this beautiful white pelican (in not so beautiful light) and a huge fish jumped straight up out of the water and down in again, in the background of my image. I thought I may have captured it and was excited to check and see, but sadly, it was not there. I did get the splash it made though, as you can see in this image. That's the one that got away that day, both from myself and this pelican that was unaware the event even took place.
I think these unpredictable moments are one thing that keeps me going back out in nature; being at the right time and in the right place to capture or yes perhaps, even miss capturing something spectacular. A rainbow, an elusive animal or one you've never seen or photographed before, a bolt of lightening, etc...The fact that you get to see incredible things, whether you capture them or not is such a thrill! Nature provides so many fun experiences and it always keeps me wanting to go back out for more of the unexpected...even if it gets away.
Have you had an unexpected moment you captured or even one that you missed? I'd love to hear your story! Tell me about it in the comments.
In my excitement, it was hard to keep my hands from shaking. It was cold when we arrived. The heavy overcast made for higher ISO settings, introducing digital noise into the images. Soon the others left; except for a retired man, Dave, whom we had just met. Dave was nice enough to share some good, unobstructed vantage points with me, before he left. Thanks, Dave!
Now, it was just me, my husband and the Great Gray Owl. The bird was not bothered by us, but would take flight once in a while or just bristle when joggers and/or their dogs would run past. We changed our position accordingly, so as to get unobstructed views for images. As the light changed, so did my settings as well as the white balance. In the image below, the owl had flown from where it had been perched, as yet another dog came by, and it landed low and very close to the trail.
It was very difficult to capture this bird in flight with all of the trees in this area (and the overcast sky and resulting slower shutter speeds or higher ISO). Here, it flew up the hill a ways where it was clearer, but it was flying low so I still didn't get it without any grasses in the foreground.
The owl landed on a fencepost. At first I was downhill a bit from him and I walked slowly up the trail so I could get the composition you see in the image below. I wanted to get a little closer and to the right, so I could get his whole body in the picture without the post in the way but I didn't want to bother him. I sat down for a few minutes just to watch and enjoy the moment; just myself, alone with the owl. (my hubby had stayed further down the trail) As you can see, the bird is looking away at something. Another jogger soon ran past me and the bird again flew off to another perch.
It once again began to rain only now it was more like spitting snow and it was getting dark. If you look carefully, you can see the rain/snow in the image below. We were both getting pretty cold so we decided to call it a day. I feel privileged to have been able to witness this bird and grateful to have brought home a few decent photos. Some are pretty noisy, but I did what I could in Lightroom to remove it without losing too much detail. Have you ever seen or photographed a Great Gray Owl in the wild? If so, I'd love to hear about it. Post about it in the comments!
Frost was covering everything on this bitter cold morning. I was able to isolate one single leaf against a backdrop of our backyard fence. It helped the frosty edges stand out.
We had some wildlife out this morning. A Northern Flicker was eating berries off our Virginia Creeper. A squirrel was running up and down trees and across the fence. He had snow on his whiskers...so cute! We also had some finches, Juncos, sparrows and robins around.
The sun appeared as if to tease anyone hoping for warmth, but the cold is going nowhere today.
Well, I must scurry off for now. Let me know in the comments what wildlife comes to your yard in the wintertime.
]]>I think the image below is kind of cool looking with some leaves sharp and others out of focus. This was taken with an aperture of f/2.8; which is how I got this effect.
As we walked along, I noticed this red leaf stuck in a tree. It was originally facing the opposite direction, but I had my tall husband turn it around for me. (Thank you, honey!) I wanted the sun to be on the front rather than the underside of the leaf. I usually like to take "found" shots, in other words to shoot things the way I found them, but sometimes I will push a weed out of the way if it's blocking a flower or something like that.
The sun was nearly down when I took the image below. I like the color changes in this shot and the sun coming through the trees. I used my monopod for the short walk and I used it to help with the weight of the lens I wanted to use. I also wanted to get used to how the leg of my tripod (Three Legged Thing) works as a monopod since I haven't really used it that way. One of the legs unscrews and becomes a monopod. Pretty cool, hu?
I used my 70-200mm lens so I could get more intimate images of the foliage rather than big landscapes. I came away with a few shots I liked, but I will be going out again for sure.
This was my first time being fairly close to a moose and although he looks small compared to the huge trees, believe me, this Bull Moose was a formidable sight; especially when he turned towards me. I held my breath a little.
He began to walk in my direction but turned and wandered off the other way. He went and laid down, and was mostly out of sight from our current vantage point, with his antlers blending in with the dead tree branches. We walked around to where we had a better view of him again and we watched and photographed him until the light was too dark to get decent pictures. I was partly fighting with my new tripod, so the experience was a little frustrating, but still amazing. You would never have had a clue he was here if you were just driving by. It makes me wonder just how many we drove by and didn't see as we were driving around the area.
What about you, have you ever photographed a moose? Tell me about your experience in the comments section. I'd love to hear about your adventure!
It was raining on and off as the storms rolled through, the day I took this image. I had seen this cabin the day before and knew i wanted to photograph it before we left the park. This cabin sits among the tall evergreens, nestled high in the Rocky Mountains. To be more specific, it's in State Forest State Park, near Walden, Colorado.
A clearing in the storm allowed for some sunlight to peek through and add the needed light to the scene that I'd been hoping for. Sometimes when you're out in the field you have plenty of time and energy to plan, wait and execute a perfect image where all of the variables line up just as you planned for them to. Then there are occasions, like this, where your time is limited and you arrive at a location with the equipment, desire, skill and a prayer that all will work out to capture a lovely image.
I love scenes like this, where you can try to imagine yourself living in another time. What a difficult life it must have been, with the harsh winters and little creature comforts; without all of the conveniences of the lifestyle most have today: internet, Fast Food, Electricity, even indoor bathrooms. Yep, I was feeling pretty spoiled after this shoot...and grateful.
I love the peaceful beauty of this image. It just may have to grace a wall in my own home. This image is available for purchase, if you're thinking the same thing! Just click on the image to be taken to the shopping area for this image.
It's always a joy to see the baby birds in our yard. This young robin was so cute and so cooperative as I took its picture.
]]>He found a place just big enough for our rig to be safely off the road and I jumped out to get the shot. In order to eliminate the power lines from my shot, I ran across the roadway in my raincoat with my camera gear still covered in a rain sleeve from other shooting I’d already been doing out in the elements. I knew I didn’t have my polarizing filter on my lens, which would help the rainbow colors stand out even more, but I didn’t know how long the rainbow would be visible so I got the initial shot (which is customary when doing what we call “drive-by-shooting”) before heading back to the car for a wider lens and CP filter. In my haste, I used a cloth that unbeknownst to me had something on it that smeared my CP filter rather than eliminating the dust that was there and I couldn’t get it clean. My husband said he would get it clean for me so I ran back across the road with the other lens to take some wider shots.
By this time, it was beginning to hail, but the rainbow was still visible so I kept shooting; using different compositions. If I’d known how much time I had, I would have set up my tripod. A call from the truck sent me sprinting back to the truck to get my freshly cleaned filter and put it on while leaning into the window as hail continued to fall on my back. (My husband is my wonderful assistant when I’m out shooting!) I hurriedly tried to get the whole rainbow in my frame, but even with my widest angle I failed to do so. I was just too close to the rainbow. I then tried a vertical pano but by this time, the clouds were much lower and covered much of the upper part of the arch. I got some wider and some tighter shots and included the barn that happened to be available for a nice addition to the scene.
There are so many things to think about when shooting and it’s sometimes hard for me to think of everything as I’m in the midst of an event of such limited and unknown time. The 5 or 10 minutes or so that the rainbow was visible as I was shooting were exhilarating and one reason I love my job so much. I just never know what wildlife or scene will next present itself around the next corner, behind the next tree or in the next minute. Below is a picture showing a portion of the double rainbow, I will leave it up to your imagination to complete the arch and scene in full. The clouds in this image above had dropped and obscured part of the arch and the second rainbow was beginning to fade, but I like the added drama added by the clouds. The scene in front of me was quite large. When capturing an entire scene isn't possible, isolating a portion of it is a good alternative and may yield better results; although certain elements of the scene may be sacrificed, others will be emphasized. See the image below for an even tighter image of the scene, making the barn a more important part of the image while elimination the second rainbow.
This was a wonderful end to a weekend of time away in nature to rest and renew that we desperately needed, after an emotional few weeks following my father-in-law's passing. I thank God for the time and for all the wildlife and nature he sent our way this weekend, including closing it out with the beautiful double rainbow and I thank God that my father-in-law is now safely home in heaven forever, though we miss him so.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple…the colors of the rainbow that are so familiar to us. Rainbows are beautiful, colorful, mysterious and temporary. But what is the significance of the rainbow? What is its meaning? In Genesis 9:12-17, we find the answer…
And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
I captured this desert landscape in Mono County, California, along the E. Walker River while traveling to SoCal recently.
I developed a single RAW file for this image, using an HDR-style of post-processing using Adobe Lightroom 5.
Bottles. Still life of bottles with reflections and shadows on wooden surface.
I've only seen a Downy woodpecker in my yard a handful of times over the decade I've lived in my current home. This is the first time I've captured an image of one though. I'm excited to see what new birds spring brings this year! What birds are in your yard? Let me know by leaving a comment.
In this second image, I included the dam in the background to get a sense of place and the environment where I found the bird. I really like the compression of the environmental shot and the clarity of my subject in both shots that I got from my new lens.
I added a filter in Adobe Lightroom 5 to this version of the image to add an erosion effect that makes the image seem much older than it is. I also added a canvas-type textured look to the image.
This last version of the image was converted to black and white. It's hard for me to choose a favorite.
Which version of this image do YOU like best? I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts. Please let me know in the comments.
Do any of you have this lens or have you had a chance to use one? If so, what do or did you think of it? Please let me know in the comments.
Do you have a favorite podcast? Share it in the comments below! If you listen to TFTTF, how did you like it?
]]>Last year, my goal in improving my photography was to finish my NYIP Complete Course in Professional Photography. I completed that project. What will I choose for my project in 2016? I haven’t decided yet, but I’m leaning towards a weekly or monthly challenge. There are many ideas from which to choose: PAD (photo-a-day) Challenge, 52 Week Challenge, 30 Day Challenge, there are even challenges for beginners. A Google search will turned up many challenges. (Search “2016 Photo challenges” if you want to choose a project for yourself) I want to choose what’s right for me; something that will challenge me, but not overwhelm me or cause me added stress. Challenges should be fun and there’s enough stress in every day life! If you feel you need it, join a social media group for a little bit more motivation. It will also get your work out there being seen by others.
The allure of the latest and greatest is very real in our ever-changing industry of digital photography. Sometimes, it’s good to just know the gear we currently own well enough to use it in the dark, if necessary. I upgraded my Canon EOS 20D (to a Canon EOS 70D) in the last couple years, and there’s a lot to learn using today’s digital camera’s and all of their settings. I’m still learning how to use it to it’s potential. Though I will most likely upgrade to a faster lens this year, (a Canon 70-200mm 2.8 L series) I will stick with this camera for now and just learn to use it more efficiently to turn out the images I want to capture.
*I took this image on a VERY COLD day, recently. I love how the sun warms even the color of the snow just before sundown.
I want to see more of my work…BIG and in print! The tendency with digital, at least for me, is to let my work remain in a digital format. After all, it’s cheaper that way, right? However, I love to see my work (and others’ work) in print. It’s a good exercise to know the true quality of the work I’m turning out; it’s one thing to see an image on a computer screen and yet another on a piece of photo paper, canvas or metal surface.
Even though I’ve finished my schooling for photography, I want to keep learning. As I mentioned in my last post, by studying the NYIP course, one of the things I have learned is that I have a lot to learn. Continuing education is important, both in the essentials of photography as well as keeping up with knowing what’s going on in the constant changes and improvements in the photography industry. There are many online photography workshops and courses, like NYIP, an excellent way to learn and improve on your photography. (I had studied photography on my own for several years and I still learned so much from NYIP) There are many photography workshops you can take in person, as well, where you actually go into the field with a professional photographer for a guide and you can visit beautiful places in the U.S.A. or around the globe. Another thing I do is listen to a variety of podcasts on photography. (Tips from the Top Floor, Martin Bailey, Tripod: the Nature Photography Show, Improve Photography to name just a few) I love to get the perspective of other photographers and learn from their knowledge and experiences, and yes, even or maybe especially their mistakes; I make enough of my own! I also subscribe to several photography magazines and visit their sites online for more inspiration. Photography blogs are another great way to learn more about photography. I learn best by doing, so this year I am going to try more of the things I read about for myself so it will stick with me in the long run. Perhaps this is from where my project prompts will come.
*I took this image during a recent snow storm. It's tempting to stay inside when the weather is bad but you may miss some nice images as a result. Notice how this image has a very different, cool, color temperature compared to the previous shot.
This point relates to the previous point. Learning about photography doesn’t do much for you as a photographer without practice, just as your tools don’t do much for you if you haven’t learned how to use them. Lights and a studio for portraiture are great, but if you have no knowledge of how to light or pose people for portraits, those things won’t do much to help you turn out pleasing, well-lit portraits. You may have the most beautiful landscape in front of you, but if you don’t know how to compose or what camera settings to use, you will come away with a disappointing photo rather than a truly special scenic image. There’s always something to improve upon, and I hope to improve on several aspects of my photography this year.
Another thing I will do to improve my photography is to study the works of those that have come before me, as well as those whose work I admire and respect which is an inspiration to me. There’s even something to learn from critiquing the work of beginners. In the past, I was the judge for a photography class at a private school, and that was a learning experience for me. So don’t just ignore images from beginners or perhaps images that aren’t your style, that you don’t like or think aren’t technically perfect. Study them and discover what it is you like or don’t like about the image. What is right or wrong technically about the image? What would you do differently to improve the image, if you had the chance to do so? What is the subject and how did the photographer draw attention to it? Where is the light coming from and what type of light is in the image? Does it have enough DOF (depth of field) or is it shallow enough to deliver an emotional reaction? Asking and answering these types of questions can teach you a lot. Studying photographs is another way to get ideas for images to take in the future. Keep a list and use those in your project, if you want.
*I found this shot on one of my recent "free-style" drives. You just never know what you will find.
A photographer’s eye can get rusty without regular use. I’m going to shoot something every day, if possible. It could be inside my home or outside. It’s a good idea to always carry a camera with you, whether it’s on your phone, a small point-and-shoot or a larger camera. Just knowing it’s with you can keep your eye sharp and ready to see images in a scene, whether you take the shot or not. I do what I’ve dubbed drive-by-shooting or free styling. To me, that means driving around and looking for shots to take that day or at another time, or taking found shots (images that your photographer’s eye sees and everything is already in place; you’ve not really thought about it before that moment). It may be a bird perched in a tree, on a post or in flight. It may be a landscape, or something newsworthy that’s going on. This is another way to get to know your camera settings and practice changing them for different scenarios. In 2016, I want to shoot often and always be ready!
What things will YOU do this year to improve your photography? Let me know in the comments. Happy New Year and keep on shooting!
NYIP CertificateNew York Institute of Photography Certificate
In the comments, please let me know what you learned about yourself in 2015, as it relates to photography.
After asking some binocular-carrying people for directions to its exact current location, we quietly approached with my camera shutter on quiet mode and marveled at this beautiful owl. What a delight it was! The patterns on it are so pretty! It was perched in a backyard tree, not far from the sidewalk near the greenbelt. There were several more people there admiring the owl, but it didn't seem to be bothered by us as is evidenced in the image I captured of it here. In fact, I didn't get a photo with its eyes open due to it calmly snoozing the whole time we were there. It was difficult to get shots of it without pieces of branches and twigs covering its face since it was back in the evergreen with behind some other bushes that were nearer to us, in the foreground. It was a cold, winter day but it was well worth it. I feel blessed to have gotten the chance to see this bird in the wild and so close to home!
What birds have YOU seen "out of place" lately?
For more information about the Barred Owl, click here.
Rex is based out of Australia. It is amazing to realize that, even from our little corner of the world here in Idaho, we can connect with and encourage fellow believers who live on the other side of the world...literally! One of the truly wonderful things about the internet is the opportunity to interact with other countries and cultures, regardless of language barriers and time zones. We pray that God blesses Rex in his efforts and that God's glory continues to be exalted!
Stay tuned for more of Wally and more posts from the World Center for Birds of Prey! Follow me on my FB page for updates on blog posts.
Taking flight 2This is Wally, a Eurasian Eagle Owl on take-off at the World Center for Birds of Prey during flight displays.
Boise, Idaho.-You can also see and order this bird in color in my Birds of Prey gallery.
My image is on the page for the month of December 2014, so order yours soon or you'll miss my month!
You can also click on the image to be taken to my online gallery where you can order just the image itself as a print, on canvas, get it framed and more!
Remember the old saying, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Well, now we know! haha Seriously, though, here's the truth about the answer to that question.
I recently took this picture at a farm near where I live. While meandering around taking pictures, the owner pulled up in his truck. The tailgate was down, so I could see right into the bed. What my eyes beheld was no doubt mundane to this farmer, yet wondrous to me; stacks of primary colored crates containing freshly gathered eggs. Some of the eggs had straw sticking to them or other (less desirable) residue; while still others, like this photo on the right, had feathers on them. I knew at once that I wanted a tight shot of this egg with a single feather stuck to it. I took several shots. Some shots were zoomed out, showing the crates in full, while others were tight like this one. I took both horizontal and vertical orientations since you never know what a customer may use it for. I like the gentle look and repeating shapes of this image in color.
You can read about The Anatomy of a Chicken Egg, here. They're actually pretty amazing. As far as taste and nutrition, there's no egg like fresh, egg. If you're in my area, be sure to stop by Vogel Farms Country Market. "Vogel Farms allows you to choose Fresh from the Farm, local all natural grass and Non GMO grain fed beef, pork, chicken, eggs and turkey. We have over 70 years experience to help deliver to you, what some say is the tastiest meat in the valley. The best part, all of our animals, and their feed are raised right here in Kuna, Idaho on Vogel Farms." If you're not in my area, check out their website!
In addition to color, I also converted this image to black and white, as you can see at left. I love black and white images. The black and white image has more contrast. The contrast between the light and shadow is one thing that makes this and other black and white images successful. The feather really stands out in the black and white version; in fact, I'd say it's the star! The shapes are emphasized more in the black and white image, as well. When you remove color from and image, it often becomes about shape and form, light and shadow.
Which one do you like best? The color version or the black and white? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Have an "egg-cellent" day!
I adore books! I also relish a good bargain. So, when I stopped by a yard sale Saturday and found these older-ish photography books, from the 1970's, I had to buy them. After all, they will fit in nicely among the other aged photography books gracing my shelf. I believe this was the best deal I've ever discovered on used photography books. They were just .10 cents a piece!
I'm sure much of the facts are irrelevant, but there's also still a fair amount of valid information in these somewhat antiquated books. Their faded covers and tired pages hold a certain charm for a book hound like myself, that cannot be ignored. (My mind wonders...who owned this before? Are they some famous photographer now?) The key is knowing which information will always be pertinent.
My photography studies began in the film SLR age, so I never did my own developing. (Well, there was that one image at a photography workshop that came through Boise, several years ago.) I simply took my film to the local camera store and waited for what seemed like forever to see my latest images. Some of you have no idea what that's like, in this era of immediate gratification; waiting for as long as a week or more for film to be developed and made into prints. It was pure torture for a shutterbug, like myself! The result of having to wait so long to evaluate your latest attempts at proper exposure, composition, etc, was a much slower learning process.
First, one of my photos was chosen by The Peregrine Fund’s selection committee as one of 10 Honorable Mentions! That prize includes: Free membership in The Peregrine Fund ($25 value). Receive the next Birds of Prey Calendar, 10% gift shop discount, and unlimited admission at the World Center for Birds of Prey for one year.
It's been a while since I've posted. My bird blog has suffered in its ranking, as a result. It couldn't be helped, though. I had to have corneal transplants in both eyes in 2013. As part of getting back into my photography, I've entered a photo competition and I need your help. The prizes are awarded based on the most votes received by the public. Please vote once a day through June 13th.
Please share this post with your FB friends and ask them to vote, too. My 5 images are all on pages 1-3, under "Newest" tab. Kathleen B is under each one, so they are easy to find. The links to the individual photos are below, if it will be easier for you to find my images.To see what images are ahead of mine in votes, go to "Most Popular". If you think any of my images are worthy of being pushed up in the ranks, please do what you can to help them get there. Feel free to vote for other worthy images you like, as well. There are some great images in the running.
Thank you!
Golden Eagle http://platform.votigo.com/fbcontests/showentry/Birds-of-Prey-2014-Photo-Competition/136817
"When boring into wood in search of food, a woodpecker exerts so much force with each strike that its beak should crumble, its skull should crack, and its brain should be reduced to mush. However, a suite of design features absorbs the shock and ensures that these tragedies do not happen. How are these features able to provide such effective protection?"
Update: Here's another...